StingRay - Urskog Krona | Caliber | R-SPEC DUAL REAR | 12S 5Ah | Dual VESC

Good board choice !

YES !! Good crazy color with the classy Wood of the deck !!! Love it ! :stuck_out_tongue:

Just ordered the motors from Jason at enertion!
So now comes the waiting!! :roll: :roll:

Congrats !!! You Will have a serious e-longboard !

I look forward to see more … :wink:

Congrats !!! You Will have a serious e-longboard !

I look forward to see more … :wink:

Thank you!!
I will post detailed pics and videos when I start the build!

The postman dropped off some goodies for the project today! :smiley:
I received the order from Hobbyking for 8 3S 5Ah batteries connectors:

And I received the Urskog deck, bushings and caps:

Everything else is still in transit! :roll:
Want to start building!!! :x

Nice !

Wow, what a good day :smiley: and its the WE !!! Beautifull deck once again :stuck_out_tongue:

:smiley: courage !

christmas time !

Waiting is the hardest. This will be a great setup.

Waiting is the hardest. This will be a great setup.

The motors have arrived!!
I ordered after the VESC’s and after the mount kit, but DHL is amazing! They just delivered today!
They left Melbourne on Friday, by Saturday they were in Singapore, on Sunday they were in Germany and yesterday they were processed at Customs and delivered today! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I also received some 10AWG and 12AWG wire, connectors, velcro straps, etc.
Still waiting on the VESC’s, mount kit and antispark connectors. I’m hoping the remote will arrive today also.

NOW, important question - mostly to OKP or anyone else with experience: the enclosure for the electronics and batteries!

I will try to design something in 3d to print, but perhaps using fiberglass would better?
I read OKP’s vanguard thread and saw all the amazing pictures, but the french confuses me a lot!

This is what I understood of the process:

  • OKP is a magician and has incredible skill and patience.
  • Make a mold from roofmate foam, cover in tape?
  • Put resin and hardener mix and one layer of fiberglass?
  • Put plasticin to divide the enclosure from the fixing holes, put carbon fiber to re-enforce and fill (?) with resin/hardener?
  • Paint?

For the batteries OKP used carbon fiber? where do I even get that??
The process is the same as with normal fiberglass?

Is this something you think I can do, or should I really try to print something or buy enclosures from alien? :roll:

Woooooooaaahhh !!! My precious :smiley:

All good so you get allmost all !?!
Yes for your elec enclosure you can print it, but it work really fine to make your’s hand made in époxy/fiberglass !
He got a good tutorial that we all follow :smiley: : HERE and some more here :wink:
- OKP is a magician and has incredible skill and patience.
:lol: That is true, OKP MASTER still win !!
If I read weel your step is good,

  • 1- mold in polystyrène … medium.jpg
    2 - resin and hardener mix and one layer of fiberglass/carbone exactly (you can insert your fixing hole between 2 layers of fibreglass/carbone but put fiberglass inside to separe carbone from electronic)
    3 - you could make step 2 in 2 times, 1th the part and then see how all fit, you can adjuste them cut you fibreglass enclosure to adjust and then reput fiberglass and carbone to re-enforce all !

    • And then sand down, paint and you can reput a fine layer of epoxy to protect your paint/graphism 2

    • You can easly do it, I saw that you knew very well tinker ! This is a new experience and can be usefull for your drone or everything esle if you want to add a light body of carbone on it … And your enclosure gonna have the same concave of your deck ! And the mini space under your deck :wink:
      Its a good deal I think.
      otherwise I have « VENDS boitiers batterie Alien ABS et fibre diy (#1) »

    good continuation :wink:

  • lol ! no way I am a magician. I just learn by failure. Believe me, making your own epoxy enclosure is really easy and you will get better at it over time. We will fully support you and the result will be awesome.

    You need to look around your home/city if there are any composites shop. You need fiberglass, epoxy resin (avoid polyester at any cost), a protection mask (to protect your lungs), a bunch of latex gloves (really cheap)

    All the material is cheap (don’t go carbon fiber first, it’s expensive for prototyping)

    ps: beautiful picture !
    ps: you can put epoxy/fiberglass on your foam mold… to remove it… just put acetone, it will dissolve the foam. Make sure you do that outside your home with aeration (i.e go outside)

    Thank you Riako, OKP!! :smiley: :smiley:

    I think I will order from Boutique Resine Epoxy, but what is the best fiberglass? There are many different ones - 202g/m2, 105g/m2, etc. What is the best for the enclosure?

    check this shop : SF COMPOSITE

    I got a 163 g/m² … I dont really know, I try 80 but verr light maybe just to cover yout peint with resin. And I try more that 200 but the fibre is to big and start to be seen more after…

    Small update:
    Received the VESC’s today, and also the antispark connectors.
    Yesterday I received the mountkit from AlienDrive.
    I am now just waiting for the remote which should have arrived by now, but still not here.

    I found a company not far from where I live that makes kayaks and canoes, they will sell me the fiberglass, resin and carbon fiber, but they are not open on the weekend so I will try to ask a friend to go there and get the materials!

    So I should start building soon. :smiley: :smiley:

    well, you can assemble the motors, mounts connect the motors to the VESCs, configure the VESCs lots of things to work on soon !

    don’t forget to buy epoxy (and not polyester resin)

    yes ! All Good !! Everything falls into place very nicely !!!

    Happy building :smiley: